
ErrorInvalidRequest while using post request in of

2019-09-01 08:56发布


using restClient, I am trying to add a new event.

url: https://outlook.office365.com/ews/odata/Me/Events

My json for the creation of an event is

{"IsAllDay":false,"Subject":"TEST","Start":"2015-02-20T07:32:39Z","End":"2015-02-20T08:32:39Z","Body":{"ContentType":"HTML","Content":"TEST JRA ? TU VOIS ?"}}

The response I get is

       "code": "ErrorInvalidRequest",
       "message": "Cannot read the request body."

What is wrong with my json and how do I solve this error ?


Make sure your Content-Type is "application/json".


I am able to make the request work. See below for sample request and response.

POST https://outlook.office365.com/api/v1.0/Me/Events HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <Snipped>
Content-Type: Application/Json

      "Content":"TEST JRA ? TU VOIS ?"