I want to modify a bitmap:
For this I need the code how to modify pixels of a bitmap.
The follwing code example works and creates a texture from a file:
BITMAP bmpOutput;
::GetObject (hbpInput, sizeof (bmpOutput), &bmpOutput);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, bmpOutput.bmWidth, bmpOutput.bmHeight, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bmpOutput.bmBits);
Which code is necessary to get the Bit-Array?
I tried already GetDIBits(), but this does not work für IMAGE (struct) as you surely know :)
Any concrete ideas how to be able to change the pixels' position?
Thank you a lot!
The last argument in the following call is the byte array for the pixels:
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, bmpOutput.bmWidth, bmpOutput.bmHeight,
0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bmpOutput.bmBits);
This means bmpOutput.bmBits
points to the first byte in an array containing the following number of bytes:
3 * bmpOutput.bmWidth * bmpOutput.bmHeight
This means 3 bytes per pixel (one each for red, green, blue).
Having said all this, based on your question, it sounds like what you're really looking for is to be able to map different parts of the texture onto different quads. For this, you can use a texture atlas. Use just one texture object, but adjust the texture coordinates for each quad to map to different parts of the texture image.
Well, as bitmaps are such simple files, you could just read the header and construct the array/vector of pixels and edit away.
Here's a func i wrote long time ago, tho it's filled with some bad coding habits.
m_imagefile is a basic struct here with important image info such as width, height, bpp, format and the raw byte array.
m_imagefile *loadBMP(char *Filename) {
errno_t error;
m_imagefile *IMG=NULL;
error=fopen_s(&BMPFile, Filename, "rb");
if(error!=0) {
return NULL;
IMG=new m_imagefile;
GLshort magic=0;
fseek(BMPFile, 0x00, SEEK_SET);
fread(&magic, sizeof(GLshort), 1, BMPFile);
fseek(BMPFile, 0x12, SEEK_SET);
fread(&IMG->width, sizeof(GLint), 1, BMPFile);
fseek(BMPFile, 0x16, SEEK_SET);
fread(&IMG->height, sizeof(GLint), 1, BMPFile);
fseek(BMPFile, 0x1C, SEEK_SET);
fread(&IMG->bpp, sizeof(GLshort), 1, BMPFile);
//First 2 bytes should be 0x424d or "BM" in ASCII
if(IMG->width == 0 || IMG->height == 0 || !(magic & 0x424D)) {
delete IMG;
return NULL;
//Bitmaps are stored as BGR, not RGB
if(IMG->bpp==24) {
IMG->format = GL_BGR_EXT;
} else if(IMG->bpp==32) {
IMG->format = GL_BGRA_EXT;
} else {
delete IMG;
return NULL;
IMG->data=new GLubyte[IMG->height*IMG->width*IMG->bpp/8];
fseek(BMPFile, 54, SEEK_SET);
fread(IMG->data, sizeof(GLbyte), IMG->height*IMG->width*IMG->bpp/8, BMPFile);
return IMG;