I'm seeing weird behaviour when sending data through my channels. I'm using SI gateway when sending a message to be processed. The gateway is setup as below
<integration:gateway id="rptPubGateway"
service-interface="xxxx.RptPubGateway" />
The reply channel is being set up as a publish/subscribe channel
<integration:publish-subscribe-channel id="rptOutputAvailableChannel" />
The last service that processes the message is being declared as below
<integration:service-activator input-channel="rptOutputAvailableChannel" ref="requestMessageHandler" method="rptIsDone" output-channel="nullChannel"/>
Now, the issue that i have is that while the code works fine most of the time, it fails sometimes. When everything works fine the last component processing my message is PublishSubsChannel
PublishSubscribeChannel - preSend on channel 'rptOutputAvailableChannel'
but when it fails the last component becomes BridgerHandler
BridgeHandler@e851a798' sending reply Message:
I should mention that there are no exceptions being thrown while processing my message. (after the failure I can always resend the same message and everything will work OK)
I'm not sure how that BridgerHandler gets created. From what I know this bridge gets created for pub/subs channels but then why I don't see it in the log when everything works fine ?
I'd appreciate any help