I am getting the following error :
ERROR {org.apache.synapse.transport.passthru.SourceHandler} - I/O error: null cert chain {org.apache.synapse.transport.passthru.SourceHandler}
while trying to enable mutual SSL between my (custom)Proxy service and 2 unsecured back-end services.
Here's what I've done so far :
- Enabled
<parameter name="SSLVerifyClient">require</parameter>
- Extracted public certs of 2 back-end servers in [carbon_home]/respository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks using Java Key Tool :
keytool -export -keystore C:\I_T\WS02\wso2
as-5.2.1\repository\resources\security\client-truststore.jks -file C:\wssecurity
Imported these certs into ESB trust store :
keytool -import -file C:\wssecurity\wso2\wso2DSSpublic.cert -keystore C:\I_T\WS02\wso2esb-4.8.1\repository\resources\security\client-truststore.jks -storepass wso2carbon -alias wso2carbonDSS
Done the same with the ESB cert into the servers' client-truststores .
I suspect step 2-4 were unnecessary because the trust stores already contained these certs.
Perhaps this is causing the problems?
I solved this if any one wants to know how to achieve :
|----------- Single SSL (a)
|| ||
|| ||
|| ||
(b) Mutual SSL--------------|| ||--------------Mutual SSL (c)
|| ||
|| ||
|| ||
Key stores :
Soap(client) : soapui_ks.jks - Key store - Password : soapui
ESB : wso2esb_ks.jks - Key store - Password : wso2esb
--------------- wso2esb_ks - Key entry alias - Password : wso2esb
wso2esb_ts.jks - Trust store - Password : wso2esb
--------------- wso2esb_ts - Key entry alias - Password : wso2esb
--------------- as - Imported trusted certificate from wso2as_ks.jks
--------------- dss - Imported trusted certificate from wso2dss_ks.jks
--------------- soapclient - Imported trusted certificate from soapui_ks.jks
AS : wso2as_ks.jks - Key store - Password : wso2as
--------------- wso2as_ks - Key entry alias - Password : wso2as
wso2as_ts.jks - Trust store - Password : wso2as
--------------- wso2as_ts - Key entry alias - Password : wso2as
--------------- esb - Imported trusted certificate from wso2esb_ks.jks
DSS : wso2dss_ks.jks - Key store - Password : wso2dss
--------------- wso2dss_ks - Key entry alias - Password : wso2dss
wso2dss_ts.jks - Trust store - Password : wso2dss
--------------- wso2dss_ts - Key entry alias - Password : wso2dss
--------------- esb - Imported trusted certificate from wso2esb_ks.jks
Configuration :
(a) Change the following in the servers(server_home) to point to the new keystores/trustores.
In esb : Changed configuration files of the following files to point to the new keystores and their passwords (as above) :
[server_home]/repository/conf/axis2/axis2.xml - also set <parameter name="SSLVerifyClient">require</parameter>
Restart server.
In soap , double click on the root project folder , navigate to WS-Security Configurations tab , then add the soapui_ts.jks as a TRUST store using soapui as the password. Then when you open a request in that project, in the Request Properties panel , set the previously configured soapui_ts.jks as the value for the SSL Keystore property.
Should all be good.