How to make a vector that controls the size of two

2019-09-01 05:32发布


In MIPS, I have this code and I don't know how to make it so that there are to arrays whose sizes are Controled by a vector. Like-- "Please enter the size of the vector." and you choose five and so the arrays sizes are five. "Enter in the numbers for Array 1". You enter 10 10 10 10 10. Then it asks you to enter in the size for array 2. lastly it shows the the sum and averages for both array 1 and array 2. Heres what I have so far.

prompt: .asciiz "Enter 10 Elements: \n"
avg: .asciiz "Average of these numbers is: "
sum: .float 0
count: .float 10
#size of the vector using prompt
la $a0 prompt
li $v0 4

li $t1, 40   # t1 has count
li $t2, 0   # t2 is iterator
l.s $f12, sum   # t3 has sum
while: bge $t2, $t1, end
   li $v0, 6

       add.s $f12, $f12, $f0
       addi $t2, $t2, 4
       b while

la $a0 avg
li $v0, 4

   lwc1 $f10, count
div.s $f12, $f12, $f10

li $v0, 2

li $v0, 10

li $v0, 2
lwc1, $f12 sum


It took me a little while to refresh my memory of MIPS. I wrote up a somewhat small program that asks the user for the size of the vector. Using that size it then dynamically allocates two integer arrays and prompts the user to fill said arrays. Once the arrays have been filled, via user input, the program then prints the first array followed by its sum, then the second array followed by its sum.

I noticed that your code uses floating point numbers. Since I don't know if this is a homework assignment or school project, I thought I'd let you figure out how to convert the below code to use floating point numbers. Also, I purposely left out the code to calculate the average for the same reason (but I did leave comments where the code could possibly be added). Modifying the program to use floating point numbers and adding an average calculation shouldn't be to hard. Let me know if you need further assistance in the comments section of this answer.

Sorry about the spacing of some of the comments in the code, copying from the program I used didn't go so well.

Vector Program

# ====== DATA SEGMENT ====== #
prompt: .asciiz "Enter Size of the Vector:\n"
enter:  .asciiz "Enter the "
first:  .asciiz " numbers in the first array:\n"
second: .asciiz " numbers in the second array:\n"
sum:    .asciiz "Sum of these numbers is: "
avg:    .asciiz "Average of these numbers is: "
open:   .asciiz "[ "
close:  .asciiz " ]\n"
comma:  .asciiz ", "
lf: .asciiz "\n"
a1: .word   0   # first array
a2: .word   0   # second array

#   syscall variables
printi: .word   1   # print_int
printf: .word   2   # print_float
prints: .word   4   # print_string
readi:  .word   5   # read_int
readf:  .word   6   # read_float
sbrk:   .word   9
exit:   .word   10

# ====== TEXT SEGMENT ====== #
    # initialize and describe registers
    li $s0, 0       # vector size
    li $s1, 0       # first array's sum
    li $s2, 0       # second array's sum
    li $s6, 0       # temporary sum store
    li $s7, 0       # temporary array address store
    li $t9, 0       # loop iterator

    # prompt for vector size
    la $a0, prompt
    lw $v0, prints

    # get vector size integer into $s0
    lw $v0, readi
    add $s0, $zero, $v0     # store vector size in $s0

    # dynamically allocate first array
    mul $t1, $s0, 4     # put size * 4 in $t1
    add $a0, $zero, $t1 # put mul result in $a0
    lw $v0, sbrk        # allocate size * 4 bytes in memory
    sw $v0, a1      # put address returned by sbrk in a1

    # dynamically allocate second array
    lw $v0, sbrk        # allocate another size * 4 bytes in memory
    sw $v0, a2      # put address returned by sbrk in a2

    # prompt for first array elements
    jal print_enter
    la $a0, first
    lw $v0, prints

    # fill the first array and calculate sum
    lw $s7, a1
    jal array_fill
    add $s1, $zero, $s6     # put first sum in $s1

    # prompt for second array elements
    jal print_enter
    la $a0, second
    lw $v0, prints

    # fill the second array and calculate sum
    lw $s7, a2
    jal array_fill
    add $s2, $zero, $s6     # put second sum in $s2

    # print the first array
    lw $s7, a1
    jal print_array

    # print the sum of the first array
    la $s6, ($s1)
    jal print_sum

    # TODO: Add array1 average calculation and output

    # print the second array
    lw $s7, a2
    jal print_array

    # print the sum of the second array
    la $s6, ($s2)
    jal print_sum

    # TODO: Add array2 average calculation and output

    b end

    # print "Enter the "
    la $a0, enter
    lw $v0, prints
    # print the number of elements to enter
    add $a0, $zero, $s0
    lw $v0, printi
    jr $ra

    la $s6, ($zero)     # set tmp sum to 0
    la $t9, ($zero)     # set iterator to 0
array_fill_for: bge $t9, $s0, end_array_fill
    # get integer from user
    lw $v0, readi

    sw $v0, ($s7)       # store integer at current array index
    add $s6, $s6, $v0   # keep a running sum in $s6

    add $s7, $s7, 4     # get address of next array element
    add $t9, $t9, 1     # increment iterator
    b array_fill_for
    jr $ra

    # print opening bracket of array
    la $a0, open
    lw $v0, prints

    la $t9, ($zero)     # set iterator to 0
    add $t0, $s0, -1    # loop over size-1 elements
print_array_for: bge $t9, $t0, end_print_array
    # print array element at current index
    lw $a0, ($s7)
    lw $v0, printi
    # print a seperating comma
    la $a0, comma
    lw $v0, prints

    add $s7, $s7, 4     # get address of next array element
    add $t9, $t9, 1     # increment iterator
    b print_array_for
    # print last index of array without comma
    lw $a0, ($s7)
    lw $v0, printi

    # print closing bracket of array
    la $a0, close
    lw $v0, prints
    jr $ra

    # print the sum greeting
    la $a0, sum
    lw $v0, prints

    # print the sum that's in $s6
    la $a0, ($s6)
    lw $v0, printi

    # print a line feed
    la $a0, lf
    lw $v0, prints
    jr $ra

    lw $v0, exit

Test Input/Output

Enter Size of the Vector:
Enter the 4 numbers in the first array:
Enter the 4 numbers in the second array:
[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
Sum of these numbers is: 10
[ 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
Sum of these numbers is: 26

-- program is finished running --

Some Links I Found Helpful

  • MIPS Instruction Reference
  • MIPS Dynamic Memory Allocation using sbrk