I'm trying to have a formula somewhat like a sum function. The only difference is that once it sums up the amounts of 3 cells (or more) it will edit a certain cell to maintain that total value if another cell is edited.
For example:
Column A, B, and C are each 3 and together equal 9:
| A | B | C |...| Total |
| 3 | 3 | 3 |...| 9 |
Columns A and B are edited to equal 2 each, but I still want to maintain the total of 9, so I want column C to automatically change to 5.
| A | B | C |...| Total |
| 2 | 2 | 3 |...| 7 |
should update to:
| A | B | C |...| Total |
| 2 | 2 | 5 |...| 9 |
The reasoning behind this is because it is being sent to multiple parts of the country where only 2 cells will be edited, but I want to maintain a total without having to edit 2k+ rows of data inputs.
I'm open to a VBA option as well. Anyone have any ideas?
You can find the problem here.
The example:
Column A, B, and C are each 3 and together equal 9:
| A | B | C |...| Total |
| 3 | 3 | 3 |...| 9 |
Columns A and B are edited to equal 2 each, but I still want to maintain the total of 9, so I want column C to automatically change to 5:
| A | B | C |...| Total |
| 2 | 2 | 3 |...| 7 |
I realized that my code was a bit of a mess, so I broke it into sheet1, module main and a class named CollectionOfGeneratedValues
The only variables you have to adjust in your code are the masterRange
, Columns in rangeToFill
and a column in sumTarget
to suit your data input.
Quick runthrough:
You have to set the masterRange
, or the range that you are working with, inside VBA. Inside the spreadsheet you must set the sumtarget
for each row of the masterRange
When a value is entered into a cell inside of your masterRange
, we find out what row this is and generate a separate range that is just that row.
If the input amount is greater than the sumTarget
we Exit Sub
and scold user.
We generate an array of values whose sum, along with user input will be the sumtarget
. We then take the sum target and subtract the user input.
- Afterwards generate a random number between 0 and the new
- We then store that rand number and subtract its value from
- We do this
- 1 times.
- When we step out of the
for loop
for the last value we set the value to whatever is leftover of sumtarget
- With the collection that was created by the steps above we perform a
Fisher-Yates Shuffle
, so that we don't always the values of collection / our spreadsheet come in a descending order
UPDATE: Thank you for your comments, advice and help. I should have given more thought what form looks like. I have been left with some sort of weird dynamic / static hybrid. A custom UserForm that generates sets of these and then can print into a worksheet would have been cool. Regardless, I took most of Raystafarian's advice. Some of it, like where to store input checking logic, I prefer my way. But generally his advice is spot on. Thank you again.
Sheet 1:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal target As Range)
SolveSudokuLite.Main target
End Sub
Module SolveSudokuLite
Option Explicit
Sub Main(ByRef target As Range)
Dim masterRange As Range
Dim rangeToFill As Range
Dim valuesToFillRange As GeneratedValuesCollection
Application.EnableEvents = False
Set masterRange = Range("B1:E5")
Set valuesToFillRange = New GeneratedValuesCollection
If Not Intersect(masterRange, target) Is Nothing Then
TargetSum.setTargetSum target
If Not IsValidInput(target) Then Exit Sub
valuesToFillRange.GenerateValues target
PrintValues valuesToFillRange, target
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Function IsValidInput(ByVal target As Range) As Boolean
IsValidInput = True
If (target.value >= TargetSum.sum) Or Not IsNumeric(target.value) Then
IsValidInput = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Function
Function PrintValues(ByRef valuesToFillRange As GeneratedValuesCollection, ByVal target As Range)
Dim rangeToFill As Range
Dim collectionCounter As Long
Dim cellInRangeToFill As Range
Set rangeToFill = Range("A" & target.Row & ":E" & target.Row)
collectionCounter = 1
For Each cellInRangeToFill In rangeToFill
If cellInRangeToFill.Address = target.Address Then
cellInRangeToFill.value = target.value
cellInRangeToFill.value = valuesToFillRange.Item(collectionCounter)
collectionCounter = collectionCounter + 1
End If
Next cellInRangeToFill
End Function
Class named GeneratedValuesCollection
Option Explicit
Private GeneratedValuesCollection As Collection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set GeneratedValuesCollection = New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set GeneratedValuesCollection = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Get Count() As Long
Count = GeneratedValuesCollection.Count
End Property
Public Sub Add(num As Long)
GeneratedValuesCollection.Add num
End Sub
Public Property Get Item(Index As Variant) As Long
Item = GeneratedValuesCollection.Item(Index)
End Property
Public Sub Clear()
Set GeneratedValuesCollection = New Collection
End Sub
Public Sub GenerateValues(ByVal target As Range)
Dim userSetValue As Long
Dim sumLeft As Long
Dim numbersToGenerate As Long
userSetValue = target.value
sumLeft = SetInitialSumLeft(userSetValue)
numbersToGenerate = NumberValuesToGenerate(target)
SetValues numbersToGenerate, sumLeft
End Sub
Private Function SetInitialSumLeft(ByVal userSetValue As Long) As Long
SetInitialSumLeft = TargetSum.sum - userSetValue
End Function
Private Function NumberValuesToGenerate(ByVal target As Range) As Long
Dim rangeToFill As Range
Set rangeToFill = Range("A" & target.Row & ":E" & target.Row)
NumberValuesToGenerate = rangeToFill.Columns.Count - 1
End Function
Private Sub SetValues(ByVal numbersToGenerate As Long, ByVal sumLeft As Long)
Dim counter As Long
Dim value As Long
For counter = 1 To numbersToGenerate - 1
value = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(0, sumLeft / 1.25)
Me.Add value
sumLeft = sumLeft - value
Next counter
Me.Add sumLeft
End Sub
Public Sub ShuffleCollection()
Dim holdValuesArray As Collection
Set holdValuesArray = DuplicateCollection()
Swap holdValuesArray
End Sub
Private Function DuplicateCollection() As Collection
Dim counter As Long
Dim maxNum As Long
Set DuplicateCollection = New Collection
maxNum = Me.Count
For counter = 1 To maxNum
DuplicateCollection.Add Me.Item(counter)
Next counter
End Function
Private Sub Swap(ByRef holdValuesArray As Collection)
Dim randomNum As Long
Dim maxNum As Long
Dim counter As Long
maxNum = holdValuesArray.Count
For counter = 1 To maxNum
randomNum = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, holdValuesArray.Count)
Me.Add (holdValuesArray(randomNum))
holdValuesArray.Remove (randomNum)
Next counter
End Sub
Class named TargetSum
Option Explicit
Private CollectionOfGeneratedValues As Collection
Private Type TTargetSum
sum As Long
End Type
Private this As TTargetSum
Public Property Get sum() As Long
sum = this.sum
End Property
Public Sub setTargetSum(ByVal value As Range)
this.sum = Range("F" & value.Row)
End Sub