We are working on a pacman game and we want to add a picture of pacman on top of the background. If someone could provide some example code of implementing the Jlayered Pane that would be great.
Here is some of the code we attempted to write. When we try to run it, nothing displays:
JLayeredPane pacman = new JLayeredPane();
pacman.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(576, 655));
ImageIcon sprite = new ImageIcon("C:\\\\Users\\\\16ayoubc\\\\Desktop\\\\Pacman-moving.gif");
ImageIcon background = new ImageIcon("C:\\\\Users\\\\16ayoubc\\\\Desktop\\\\background.png");
JLabel pacmansprite = new JLabel(sprite);
JLabel background1 = new JLabel(background);
pacman.setLocation(255, 255);
pacman.add(background1, new Integer(0));