Selecting highest count of element except when…

2019-09-01 01:43发布


So i have been working on this perl script that will analyze and count the same letters in different line spaces. I have implemented the count to a hash but am having trouble excluding a " - " character from the output results of this hash. I tried using delete command or next if, but am not getting rid of the - count in the output.

So with this input:

@extract = ------------------------------------------------------------------MGG-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

And following code:

#Count selected amino acids.
my %counter = ();
foreach my $extract(@extract) {
#next if $_ =~ /\-/; #This line code does not function correctly.  


sub largest_value_mem (\%) {
my $counter   = shift;
my ($key, @keys) = keys   %$counter;
my ($big, @vals) = values %$counter;

for (0 .. $#keys) {
    if ($vals[$_] > $big) {
        $big = $vals[$_];
        $key = $keys[$_];


I expect the most common element to be G, same as the output. If there is a tie in the elements, say G = M, if there is a way to display both in that would be great but not necessary. Any tips on how to delete or remove the '-' is much appreciated. I am slowly learning perl language.

Please let me know if what I am asking is not clear or if more information is needed, thanks again kindly for all the comments.


Your data doesn't entirely make sense, since it's not actually working perl code. I'm guessing that it's a string divided into characters. After that it sounds like you just want to be able to find the highest frequency character, which is essentially just a sort by descending count.

Therefore the following demonstrates how to count your characters and then sort the results:

use strict;
use warnings;

my $str = '------------------------------------------------------------------MGG-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------';

my @chars = split '', $str;

#Count Characteres
my %count;
$count{$_}++ for @chars;
delete $count{'-'}; # Don't count -

# Sort keys by count descending
my @keys = sort {$count{$b} <=> $count{$a}} keys %count;

for my $key (@keys) {
    print "$key $count{$key}\n";


G 2
M 1


foreach my $extract(@extract) {
#next if $_ =~ /\-/

$_ setting is suppressed by $extract here. (In this case, $_ keeps value from above, e.g. routine argument list, previous match, etc.)

Also, you can use character class for better readability:

next if $extract=~/[-]/;