So i have been working on this perl script that will analyze and count the same letters in different line spaces. I have implemented the count to a hash but am having trouble excluding a " - " character from the output results of this hash. I tried using delete command or next if, but am not getting rid of the - count in the output.
So with this input:
@extract = ------------------------------------------------------------------MGG-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
And following code:
#Count selected amino acids.
my %counter = ();
foreach my $extract(@extract) {
#next if $_ =~ /\-/; #This line code does not function correctly.
sub largest_value_mem (\%) {
my $counter = shift;
my ($key, @keys) = keys %$counter;
my ($big, @vals) = values %$counter;
for (0 .. $#keys) {
if ($vals[$_] > $big) {
$big = $vals[$_];
$key = $keys[$_];
I expect the most common element to be G, same as the output. If there is a tie in the elements, say G = M, if there is a way to display both in that would be great but not necessary. Any tips on how to delete or remove the '-' is much appreciated. I am slowly learning perl language.
Please let me know if what I am asking is not clear or if more information is needed, thanks again kindly for all the comments.