I have already looked at similar questions here but it did not help.
I am using windows forms. I have button1 and textbox1.
I am trying to replace (or delete) the selected text in textBox1 and enter new letter (letter A) in place of it.
The code works well with random mixed numbers and letters for example:
385F1 select 8 and then result = 3A5F1 (8 replaced by A)
H74S31B select 4S and then the result is = H7A31B
KQ5689 select Q5689 and then the result is KA
So it works well, but when I select a number or a letter from a string which consists of same numbers or letters then it does not work, for example:
666777222333 select any 7 then the result = 666AAA222333 (not working)
9992244GG select any 9 then the result = AAA2244GG (not working)
QQQHHHUUU select any Q then the result = AAAHHHUUU (not working)
QQQHHHUUU select any QH then the result = QQAHHUUU(it works when different letters selected)
4433366 select 333 then the result = 44A66 (it works when all same numbers is selected)
Hope I explained it well. I don't know what causes this behavior. please help. Thank you
public partial class Form1 : Form
int TxTindex;
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ActiveControl = textBox1;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (textBox1.SelectedText.Length > 0) // to check if any text selected
TxTindex = textBox1.SelectionStart; // save the caret position
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text.Replace(textBox1.Text.Substring(textBox1.SelectionStart, textBox1.SelectionLength),"A");
textBox1.SelectionStart = TxTindex + 1; // place the caret after the inserted string