
How can I disable options for different selects in

2019-08-31 23:32发布


I'm working with Angularjs.


<select name="questionId1" ng-model="abCtrl.form.questionSel.q1" ng-options="question.val for question in abCtrl.form.questions track by question.index"></select>

<select name="questionId2" ng-model="abCtrl.form.questionSel.q2" ng-options="question.val for question in abCtrl.form.questions track by question.index"></select>

I'd like the option the user selects will be disabled for the other selection and vice versa


Replacing ng-options with ng-repeat-ed options can be assimilated to a regression...

You can use ... disable when ... syntax in ng-options:

First ng-options:

...  disable when (question.index === questionSel.q2)  ...

Second ng-options:

...  disable when (question.index === questionSel.q1)  ...

Here is a fiddle


Try to use different approach, like this

<select name="questionId1" ng-model="abCtrl.form.questionSel.q1">
<option ng-repeat="question in abCtrl.form.questions" value="{{question.val}}" 
ng-disabled="abCtrl.secondSelectValue == question.val"
ng-selected="abCtrl.firstSelectValue == question.val">{{question.val}}

abCtrl.firstSelectValue would be default value of ur select box (otherwise it would have empty selection first time)


Two ways:

  • Look at the stack post: ng-options with disabled rows. A good solution is explained

  • Use a multi-slect component, by instance: http://dotansimha.github.io/angularjs-dropdown-multiselect/#/


Could you please try on angular ngDisabled there is lot of example's available in net could you please surf it . Also here I am attaching some sample code like

for ngDisabled

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="sample">
<script src= "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.14/angular.min.js"></script>
   $rootScope.disableVal= true;
<div ng-controller="sampleCntrl">
<button ng-disabled="disableVal">Click Me!</button>
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="mySwitch"/>Button
<button ng-disabled="disableVal">Click Me!</button>
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="mySwitch"/>Button
{{ mySwitch }}