I have a problem; for some reason, my function is being called at the start of the webapplication while the page is loading.
My code is as follows
function validateName(element) {
var len = element.value.length;
//checks if the code is than 6 characters
if (len == 0) {
if (element.id == "firstname")
document.getElementById('firstNameError').style.display = "block";
else if (element.id == "lastname") {
document.getElementById('lastNameError').style.display = "block";
return true;
} //if == 0
else {
if (element.id == "firstname")
document.getElementById('firstNameError').style.display = "none";
else if (element.id == "lastname") {
document.getElementById('lastNameError').style.display = "none";
return false;
} // if != 0
The logic of this function is to validate the text boxes where the user enters their name. Basically,the problem i am facing is as soon as I open up my web page, the text boxes are red, and say 'Your first name cannot be blank!' (which is the firstNameError
). Then, once I enter the text in my text box, it doesn't change, it still stays red, and displays the error.
This is how i am calling the function:
function init() {
var firstName = initToolTip("firstname", "firstnameTip");
var lastName = initToolTip("lastname", "lastnameTip");
var promoCode = initToolTip("promocode", "promocodeTip");
//opens the TOS window when you click 'terms and conditions' link
document.getElementById("clickedTOS").onclick = function() { sAlert(document.getElementById("TOS").innerHTML) };
//checks the length of the promo code
promoCode.onblur = validatePromoCode(promoCode);
//checks the validity of a name (is not blank)
firstName.onblur = validateName(firstName);
lastName.onblur = validateName(lastName);
//document.getElementById('submitButton').onmousedown = validateForm();
I don't understand why it's being called as soon as the page loads, since it's set, to be called onblur
can anyone suggest ways to fix this?