Neural Network on Windows Phone 8.0

2019-08-31 18:00发布


I am trying neural network application on Windows Phone 8. And I am writing below code:

ActivationNetwork network = null; //global variable

network = new ActivationNetwork(
            new BipolarSigmoidFunction(2),    //aktivation func.
            9,                                //input count
            20,                               //hidden layer count
            1                                 //output count

This code working on desktop project.(C#) But not working Windows Phone 8.

This is Aforge Framework's function. I installed via nuget.

When I clicked run I am getting error. My error code:

An exception of type 'System.TypeLoadException' occurred in PanoramaApp2.DLL but was not handled in user code Additional information: Type 'AForge.Neuro.BipolarSigmoidFunction' from assembly 'AForge.Neuro, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2094f4ea39731d4f' is attempting to implement an inaccessible interface.

What is my problem?

How can i succeed?

Thanks in advance. (sorry my language.)


Looks like the official version which is on Nuget does not support Windows Phone. Check this link: