So I know how to get the selected value using the ionChange event, but how do I get the selected index. For example if i was to select the 3rd value down in a dropdown how can I get the selected index (2) rather than the value selected?
You can do something like ths:-
<ion-select placeholder="Select One">
<ion-select-option value="id1">Value1</ion-select-option>
<ion-select-option value="id2">Value2</ion-select-option>
By this when you will select any particular option, then on its change event you will get that object's id instead of the value in the controller.
I hope it helps.
This is what you can do to get the id. Add a local variable to your ion-select #selectedIndex. After add your value like this [value]=[prices.w, id]
<ion-select slot="end" (ionChange)="changePrice($event)" #selectIndex>
<ion-select-option text-uppercase [value]="[prices.w, id]" *ngFor="let prices of prodData?.prices; let id = index" >{{prices.w}}</ion-select-option>
In your ts. Import ViewChild
import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
After reference your local variable
@ViewChild('selectIndex') selectedId: ElementRef;
then declare your ionChange() function changePrice(event) and add the following code
public changePrice(event) {
const childCount = this.selectedId['el']['childElementCount'];
this.selectedId['el']['childNodes'][`${childCount}`]['defaultValue'] = event.detail.value[0];
this.selectedId['el']['shadowRoot']['children'][1]['innerHTML'] = event.detail.value[0];
this.selectedId['el']['shadowRoot']['children'][1]['innerText'] = event.detail.value[0];
logs your index
Hope it works fine