
Using jQuery tooltip at runtime by livequery

2019-08-31 16:49发布


Does anybody know how to use tooltip at runtime using livequery? I found some infos, but for me it doesnt work.

jQuery('.button').bind('click', function () {

function std () {
    jQuery('.abcd').livequery.run(function() {


I interpret your code to mean this:

When .button is clicked you want to enable the tooltip functionality on all elements with class .abcd. If this is your intention simply use

jQuery('.button').bind('click', function () {
    std(); //activate tooltip support

function std () {
    //internal function is called once for every found/new .abcd element
    jQuery('.abcd').livequery(function() {

Note that probably should prevent .button from being clicked more than once as that could lead to unexpected sideeffects