How to get notified when network connection change

2019-08-31 16:10发布


I have a requirement in my app where I need to display an image to indicate whether the app is connected to network or not.I was able to do it using the Connectivity Plugin by James Montemagno.But I want to implement it using Reachability class.When I implement the Reachability class the OnChange method never fires.When I turn ON or turn OFF the wifi the OnChange is never called.Can somebody guide me on how to achieve this?

 public static event EventHandler ReachabilityChanged;
static void OnChange(NetworkReachabilityFlags flags)
            ReachabilityChanged?.Invoke(null, EventArgs.Empty);


Put below code in your PCL App()

CrossConnectivity.Current.ConnectivityChanged += (object sender, Plugin.Connectivity.Abstractions.ConnectivityChangedEventArgs e) =>
    bool IsInternetConnected = e.IsConnected;

You can pass connectivity status using Messaging Center refer this


Ok let me explain how use the Rehability.cs class

1) add this file in your project.

2) change the namespace for the name of your project .

3) Declare this variables in your ViewController like the image

 NetworkStatus remoteHostStatus, internetStatus, localWifiStatus;

4) In your ViewController add this method . The line TableView.ReloadData (); put the name of your table o item that you wanna update.

void UpdateStatus (object sender, EventArgs e)
        remoteHostStatus = Reachability.RemoteHostStatus ();
        internetStatus = Reachability.InternetConnectionStatus ();
        localWifiStatus = Reachability.LocalWifiConnectionStatus ();
        TableView.ReloadData ();

5) In the ViewDidLoad add this two lines

        UpdateStatus (null, null);
        Reachability.ReachabilityChanged += UpdateStatus;

for a more understand of the code download this example and run the app in you Visual studio .
