I'm posting it here because I couldn't' find any such scenario on the web so far. I have a webpage which contains a set of reports both in XLS and PDF formats. I should be downloading the excel files from the page and load into my database. I wish I could use the URL for XLS file directly but the problem is the naming convention may keep changing every time (Sales_Quarter1.xlsx can be Sales_Q1.xlsx the next year). The only thing that would be constant in the following example is "Sales for Calendar Year". I should be looking up for the file that corresponds to this text and download it before loading it into database table.
I would like to know from experts if this would be possible?
<sub>Sales for Calendar Year 2015--All Countries </sub>
<a href="/Data/Downloads/Documents/Sales/Sales_Quarter1.xlsx">
<sub>[XLS]</sub></a><sub> , <a href="/Data/Downloads/Documents/Sales/Sales_Quarter1.pdf"><sub>[PDF]</sub></a><sub></sub></sub>
PS: I am using SQL Server 2014.