When I use this code to customize my form's widget, it will not validate. If I comment out def __init__(..)
it works fine.
class CommentForm(forms.Form):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.wysiwyg = kwargs.pop('wysiwyg', False)
super(CommentForm, self).__init__()
if self.wysiwyg:
self.fields['comment_text'].widget = SummernoteWidget()
self.fields['comment_text'].widget = forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows':2})
comment_text = forms.CharField()
I've been able to troubleshoot this far, and the difference between the working form (no init) and the invalid form, is this:
not valid form with init:
CommentForm bound=False, valid=Unknown, fields=(comment_text)
valid form:
CommentForm bound=True, valid=Unknown, fields=(comment_text)
Is bound the problem and how do I fix it?