
VHDL合成 - FF /锁存常数值(VHDL Synthesis - FF/Latch Cons

2019-08-31 11:34发布



library IEEE;

-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values

entity ClockCounter is
        clk         : in std_logic;
        input       : in std_logic;
        enable      : in std_logic;
        output      : out std_logic := '0';
        bitReady    : out std_logic := '0';
        countError  : out std_logic := '0'
end ClockCounter;

architecture Behavioral of ClockCounter is

signal totalBitWidth     : integer := 4;
signal majorityValue     : integer := 3;


totalBitWidth <= 4;
majorityValue <= 3;

-- Process for recognizing a single input value from a  clock cycle
-- wide input signal
majority_proc: process(clk, input, enable)

    variable clkCount : integer := 0;
    variable Sum      : integer := 0;


    if rising_edge(clk) And enable = '1' then
        -- Reset bitReady after one clock cycle
        bitReady <= '0';

        -- Check the input value and add it to the Sum variable
        if input = '1' then
            Sum := Sum + 1;
            Sum := Sum + 0;
        end if;

        -- Increment the clock counter variable
        clkCount := clkCount + 1;

        -- Check if the clock count has reached the specified number of cycles
        if clkCount >= totalBitWidth then
            -- Determine if the Sum variable has met the threshold for
            -- value of 1, set the output accordingly
            if Sum >= majorityValue then
                output <= '1';
                output <= '0';
            end if;

            -- This checks if the value for all clock cycles was the same and
            -- sets an error flag if not
            if Sum = totalBitWidth Or Sum = 0 then
                countError <= '0';
                countError <= '1';
            end if;

            -- Reset the clock counter and sum value
            clkCount := 0;
            Sum := 0;
            -- Set the bit counter high to alert other midules that a new bit
            -- has been received
            bitReady <= '1';
        end if;
        elsif enable = '0' then
        clkCount := 0;
        Sum := 0;
    end if;

    end process;

    end Behavioral;


警告:XST:1293 - FF /锁存器具有0在块的恒定值。 这FF /锁存器将在优化过程中进行修整。 警告:XST:1896 - 由于其它FF /锁存修整,FF /闩锁具有0在块的恒定值。 这FF /锁存器将在优化过程中进行修整。 警告:XST:1896 - 由于其它FF /锁存修整,FF /闩锁具有0在块的恒定值。 这FF /锁存器将在优化过程中进行修整。







任何帮助将是巨大的。 谢谢

PS - 我使用赛灵思Spartan 6 SP605评估套件板,并在Project Navigator。

Answer 1:

从外观上来看,是在做什么,你打算而是优化。 所述clkCount被声明为一个整数或者32位,但你必须将其重置为0,一旦它击中多数值或3,这相当于“11”或2位。 因此,因此clkCount(31 DOWNTO 2)将得到优化掉,因为它总是0。



library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using -- arithmetic functions with     Signed or Unsigned values use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL;
entity ClockCounter is
  generic (
    totalBitWidth : integer := 4;
    majorityValue : integer := 3);
    clk        : in  std_logic;
    input      : in  std_logic;
    enable     : in  std_logic;
    output     : out std_logic := '0';
    bitReady   : out std_logic := '0';
    countError : out std_logic := '0');
end ClockCounter;

architecture Behavioral of ClockCounter is


-- Process for recognizing a single input value from a clock cycle -- wide input     signal 
  majority_proc : process(clk, input, enable)

    variable clkCount : integer := 0;
    variable Sum      : integer := 0;


    if rising_edge(clk) and enable = '1' then
                                        -- Reset bitReady after one clock cycle
      bitReady <= '0';
                                        -- Check the input value and add it to the Sum     variable
      if input = '1' then
        Sum := Sum + 1;
        Sum := Sum + 0;
      end if;

                                        -- Increment the clock counter variable
      clkCount := clkCount + 1;

                                        -- Check if the clock count has reached the     specified number of cycles
       if clkCount >= totalBitWidth then
                                        -- Determine if the Sum variable has met the threshold for
                                        -- value of 1, set the output accordingly
        if Sum >= majorityValue then
          output <= '1';
          output <= '0';
        end if;

                                        -- This checks if the value for all clock cycles was the same and
                                        -- sets an error flag if not
        if Sum = totalBitWidth or Sum = 0 then
          countError <= '0';
          countError <= '1';
        end if;

                                        -- Reset the clock counter and sum value
        clkCount := 0;
        Sum      := 0;
                                        -- Set the bit counter high to alert other midules that a new bit
                                        -- has been received
        bitReady <= '1';
      end if;
    elsif enable = '0' then
      clkCount := 0;
      Sum      := 0;
    end if;

  end process;

end Behavioral;

Answer 2:

这是更好地设置您的整数的预期范围内; 这样合成将生成它们在第一位置正确的尺寸,而不是32位,然后发射数百“微调”的警告。

variable clkCount : integer range 0 to totalBitWidth := 0;

它可以永远是负面的? 没有? 然后更好的...

variable clkCount : natural range 0 to totalBitWidth := 0;
variable Sum      : natural range 0 to majorityValue := 0;


例如,如果有之间的关系totalBitWidthmajorityValue ,那么它表达出来,而不是直接让他们独立的:不跟踪,当你改变totalBitWidth得到错误的。 (我在预期的关系如下猜测)

type counttype is new integer range 0 to totalBitWidth;
subtype sumtype is counttype range 0 to totalBitWidth / 2 + 1;

    variable clkCount : counttype := 0;
    variable Sum      : sumtype   := 0;

文章来源: VHDL Synthesis - FF/Latch Constant Value