Refer the cell value of an excel sheet with anothe

2019-08-31 11:24发布


I have two excel worksheets, The first is:


and the second:


I'm referring the B10 cell value in the Test.xlsx with the C10 of Sample.xlsx using the formula:


in the B10 of Test.xlsx file.

Can anyone suggest me how to replace the hard coded path of the destination file in the formula:


with an environmental variable "Temp" with the value "C:\Users\Happy\Desktop\Work".

Thank you.


I have 2 files: Book1.xlsx and Book2.xlsx Go to the Book2.xlsx and special cell and type "=[Book1.xlsx]Sheet1!$A$5" for example. When you change the value in Book1.xlsx.A5 and save, Book2.xlsx takes effect.


Let's assume your temp path is stored on cell E1. on B10 enter:


Of course you can use the name Temp instead of E1 . Just name the E1 cell (or any other cell you desire) Temp and change the formula to :

  • To name the cell click on it and change the name in the box on the left top side


You will need to use VBA to expand environment variables. If the folder is always on the user's desktop then something like this might suffice. Place this into a standard code module in your workbook:

Public Function GetEnviron(strEnv As String, Optional folderAppend As String = vbNullString) As String

    If Not folderAppend = vbNullString Then
        folderAppend = folderAppend & IIf(Right(folderAppend, 1) = "\", vbNullString, "\")
    End If

    GetEnviron = Environ(UCase(strEnv)) & "\" & folderAppend

End Function

And in your spreadsheet use like:


The Environ() function in VBA is used to expand environment variable strings - so for example:

  • Environment variable: %USERPROFILE% | Returns: (C:\Users\[username])
    • VBA Environ("USERPROFILE") | Returns: (C:\Users\[username])
  • Environment variable: %APPDATA% | Returns: (C:\users\[username]\AppData\Roaming)
    • VBA Environ("APPDATA") | Returns: (C:\users\[username]\AppData\Roaming)