
How to obtain Multi-level hierarchy with Collectio

2019-08-31 08:17发布


I have a Windows 8.1 Application in which I am trying to achieve 3 levels of Hierarchy with CollectionViewSource and then Bind it to my Semantic Zoom

My model class looks as follows

class Transaction
    string id {get; set;}
    string name {get; set;}
    DateTimeOffset date {get; set;

Sample value of this model could be as follows

[1, Food, 31/08/2014]
[2, Movie, 15/08/2014]
[3, Medicine, 20/07/2014]
[4, GameConsole, 02/07/2014]
[5, MobileBill, 18/06/2014]
[4, Tv, 06/06/2014]

I want to display this data in my Semantic Zoom such that

  1. My ZoomedOutView is a GridView which displays Months like August, July and June.
  2. In my ZoomedInView the data is grouped by the date

To achieve this I have to create these 3 levels in my CollectionViewSource

  1. Month
  2. Date
  3. Individual Transaction

An example data for the above hierarchy is shown below

August (Appears in ZoomedOutView only)
    August 31
        Transaction 1
        Transaction 2
    August 15
        Transaction 3
        Transaction 4
    August 1
        Transaction 5
        Transaction 6

July (Appears in ZoomedOutView only)
    July 20
        Transaction 7
        Transaction 8
    July 2
        Transaction 9
        Transaction 10

June (Appears in ZoomedOutView only)
    June 10
        Transaction 11
        Transaction 12

My Semantic Zoomed Out View will have


My Semantic Zoom ZoomedInView should have

August 31
    Transaction 1
    Transaction 2
August 15
    Transaction 3
    Transaction 4
August 1
    Transaction 5
    Transaction 6
July 20
    Transaction 7
    Transaction 8
July 2
    Transaction 9
    Transaction 10
June 10
    Transaction 11
    Transaction 12

I am trying to group my List into CollectionViewSource as follows

List<Transaction> response = GetTransactions();
var TransactionCollectionViewSource = new CollectionViewSource();
TransactionCollectionViewSource.Source = response.ToGroups(x => x, x => x.date.Month);
TransactionCollectionViewSource.IsSourceGrouped = true;

I have got groupby month, now how do I group this into days again? Should I have 2 CollectionViewSource? Or is it possible to achieve this with just one CollectionViewSource. I am confused.

I would be very glad if someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks in Advance.


SemanticZoom: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh465319.aspx

Try this:

private void Zoom_ViewChangeStarted(object sender, SemanticZoomViewChangedEventArgs e)
    if (!e.IsSourceZoomedInView)
        e.DestinationItem.Item = _selectedHubSection;

Best of luck!