How is a file/folder “fully” hidden in Windows?

2019-08-31 07:08发布


A year ago I was investigating into being secretive and hiding/encrypting data when I came across a program(can't remember its name). It basically hid any file or folder and it could not be discovered by unsetting the attributes of hidden in windows explorer.

How do you think the program did this? Is there a way to make your own program to do this?


Does this sound like what you were looking for?!249289/download-of-the-day-free-hide-folders-windows


How to really hide your folders:

  1. Click start
  2. Click Run
  3. Type "cmd" without quotes and clikc ok
  4. type "cd PATH TO FILE" example "cd c:\users\shereef\private" hit enter (return key)
  5. type attrib +s +h +r FILENAME

Thats it! your folder is now completely hidden from all users in all possible ways.



  1. Click on start and find cmd, then right click and run it as administrator.
  2. Fetch the directory that you wish to hide and copy it to the clipboard.
  3. Change to that directory in command prompt e.g. cd C:\path\to\x You can use right mouse click to paste in the copied path. (Note: if it is on another disk, change to that drive by typing F: and pressing enter)
  4. To make a folder x invisible (if x is a folder), change directory to the parent of x e.g. cd ..
  5. Then write the commands: attrib +r +h +s x
  6. To reverse the process simply attrib -r -h -s x