In my Source XML i am reassigning all the Instance ID from numbers 1 to onwards (till there existence). I am updating Apple, Mango, Banana InstanceId's with above values under Profile element. Here i ignore Profile InstanceID level occurrence. My requirement is to trigger these xslt code only when at least one instance id in a given set of "Profile" is greater than 25.
<Profile InstanceID="4" ObjectID="XYZ">
<foo>Profile 1</foo><!-- Need to update these set as atleast one instanceID is greater than 25 -->
<Apple InstanceID="26" ObjectID="ABC" Type="103"></Apple>
<Mango InstanceID="1" ObjectID="DEF" Type="103"></Mango>
<Mango InstanceID="27" ObjectID="GHI" Type="103"></Mango>
<Banana InstanceID="29" ObjectID="GHI1" Type="103"></Banana>
<Profile InstanceID="4" ObjectID="XYZ">
<foo>Profile 1</foo><!-- no need to update these set as no instanceID is greater than 25 -->
<Apple InstanceID="21" ObjectID="MNO" Type="103"></Apple>
<Mango InstanceID="21" ObjectID="PQR" Type="103"></Mango>
<Mango InstanceID="23" ObjectID="EFG" Type="103"></Mango>
<Mango InstanceID="24" ObjectID="EFG123" Type="103"></Mango>
<Banana InstanceID="25" ObjectID="GHI1" Type="103"></Banana>
Below is the XSLT i used
# XSLT #
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt"
<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes" />
<xsl:template match="@*|node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" />
<xsl:template match="Profile/*/@InstanceID">
<xsl:attribute name="InstanceID">
<xsl:value-of select="count(../preceding-sibling::*[@InstanceID]) + 1" />
And these is Output/Transformed XML
# Transformed XML #
<Profile InstanceID="4" ObjectID="XYZ"><!-- no need to update these instanceID -->
<foo>Profile 1</foo>
<Apple InstanceID="1" ObjectID="ABC" Type="103"></Apple>
<Mango InstanceID="2" ObjectID="DEF" Type="103"></Mango>
<Mango InstanceID="3" ObjectID="GHI" Type="103"></Mango>
<Banana InstanceID="4" ObjectID="GHI1" Type="103"></Banana>
<Profile InstanceID="4" ObjectID="XYZ"><!-- no need to update these instanceID -->
<foo>Profile 1</foo>
<Apple InstanceID="1" ObjectID="MNO" Type="103"></Apple>
<Mango InstanceID="2" ObjectID="PQR" Type="103"></Mango>
<Mango InstanceID="3" ObjectID="EFG" Type="103"></Mango>
<Mango InstanceID="4" ObjectID="EFG123" Type="103"></Mango>
<Banana InstanceID="5" ObjectID="GHI1" Type="103"></Banana>