I am trying to read the contents of two different tabs in a worksheet and compare them by using ADODB and querying techniques VBA.
Below you can find my code:
stCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _
& "Data Source=" & wbBook.FullName & ";" _
& "Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1;Readonly = False"";"
' MsgBox (stCon)
'here is SQL code to gather data including our calculation from two tables within the workbook
'stSQL = "SELECT [Recon_Daily_Xml_report$].RECTYPEGLEDGER, [GL_Activity_totals$].TRXNTYPE, ([Recon_Daily_Xml_report$].Amount_Abs - [GL_Activity_totals$].BILLINGAMT) as Amount_Diff ,"
'stSQL = stSQL & " ([Recon_Daily_Xml_report$].NUMOFENTRIES - [GL_Activity_totals$].NUMOFTRXNS) as Count_Diff "
'stSQL = stSQL & " FROM [Recon_Daily_Xml_report$], [GL_Activity_totals$]"
'stSQL = stSQL & " WHERE Lower([Recon_Daily_Xml_report$].RECTYPEGLEDGER) = Lower([GL_Activity_totals$].TRXNTYPE)"
'stSQL = stSQL & " ORDER BY [Recon_Daily_Xml_report$].RECTYPEGLEDGER ASC"
stSQL = "SELECT LCASE([GL_Activity_totals$].TRXNTYPE),Sum(ABS([GL_Activity_totals$].BILLINGAMT)),Sum([GL_Activity_totals$].NUMOFTRXNS) "
stSQL = stSQL & " FROM [GL_Activity_totals$] "
stSQL = stSQL & " Group By [GL_Activity_totals$].TRXNTYPE "
stSQL = stSQL & " ORDER BY [GL_Activity_totals$].TRXNTYPE ASC"
'MsgBox (stSQL)
Set cnt = New ADODB.Connection
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
cnt.Open stCon
'rst.Open stSQL, cnt, 1, 3
rst.Open stSQL, cnt, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
'rst.Open strSQL, cnt, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
With rst
Do While Not .EOF
If rst.Fields.Item(0).Value <> "" Then
strString = Replace(rst.Fields.Item(0).Value, " ", " ")
rst.Fields.Item(0) = strString
End If
End With
This specific code gives me back an error suggesting that I cannot update the field in the recordset I want to update when reading it. The error I am currently getting is:
Run-time error '-2147217911 Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.
Tried to change the way i open the recordset by using 1,3 option but again i was getting the same error.
Can anyone help with this?