is there any way to get the list of userName from a table where userId are many,
userId userName
1 abc
2 xyz
3 pqr
please seaa below the query i wish to execute via jdbcTemplate
String query = "Select userName from table_1 where userId = {1,2,3}";
HashMap<int,String> = jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql);
// HashMap - int : userId, String - userName
You should probably use
select userName from Table where user_id in (1, 2, 3);
Yes, @Stelian Galimati I would say answers your question directly. However, if want to have more flexibility with your querys I would recommend looking up nested SQL selects. This may be a helpful beginners tutorial for you. In addition, there is this that will allow you to test out your SQL. A quick example of this would be:
FROM table_1
WHERE userName IN {
SELECT userName
From table_2
WHERE userLastName = "Smith"
To elaborate on @Stelian Galimatis answer, if you wanted to select any number of user_names given a number of parameters (which may be objects and not int values) you could additionally use named parameters as such,
SELECT userName
FROM table_1
WHERE userId IN {
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