Does anyone know if you can run a Jenkins' job from JobDSL that has parameters?
I have used queue
But according to the docs, it only accepts a string or Job object. Maybe there is a way to do it with Job object, but its not clear. From JobDSL docs:
def example1 = job('example-1') {
displayName('first example')
job('example-2') {
displayName('second example')
Have same problem and couldn't find an answer in docs so I'm now looking at using system groovy script as per this example.
def job = Hudson.instance.getJob('MyJobName')
def anotherBuild
try {
def params = [
new StringParameterValue('FOO', foo)
def future = job.scheduleBuild2(0, new Cause.UpstreamCause(build), new ParametersAction(params))
println "Waiting for the completion of " + HyperlinkNote.encodeTo('/' + job.url, job.fullDisplayName)
anotherBuild = future.get()
} catch (CancellationException x) {
throw new AbortException("${job.fullDisplayName} aborted.")
I'm using Jenkins 2.116 and Groovy plugin 2.0