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ES6 promise settled callback?
7 answers
Bluebird offer a "finally" method that is being called whatever happens in your promise chain. I find it very handy for cleaning purposes (like unlocking a resource, hiding a loader, ...)
Is there an equivalent in ES6 native promises?
Here is the documentation reference for the Finally method:
As of February 7, 2018
Chrome 63+, Firefox 58+, and Opera 50+ support Promise.finally
In Node.js 8.1.4+ (V8 5.8+), the feature is available behind the flag --harmony-promise-finally
The Promise.prototype.finally ECMAScript Proposal is currently in stage 3 of the TC39 process.
In the meantime to have promise.finally functionality in all browsers; you can add an additional then()
after the catch()
to always invoke that callback.
myES6Promise.then(() => console.log('Resolved'))
.catch(() => console.log('Failed'))
.then(() => console.log('Always run this'));
JSFiddle Demo:
Or you can extend the prototype to include a finally()
method (not recommended):
Promise.prototype.finally = function(cb) {
const res = () => this;
const fin = () => Promise.resolve(cb()).then(res);
return this.then(fin, fin);
JSFiddle Demo:
There's also the Promise.prototype.finally shim library.