I find lot of stackoverflow question related to this How to migrate a a custom sublass of GWT DevMode to GWT 2.7.0 Super dev mode but unable to solve my issue.I am migrating classic dev mode
to super dev mode
using GWT 2.5.1
.I have lot of dependency maven project which is included in User Entries
under Classpath
tab .Also i added com.google.gwt.dev.codeserver.CodeServer
as main class and gwt-codeserver-2.5.1
jar under Classpath
tab.While launching the apps its getting complied but when i change some think in code and relaunch it again(by removing ?gwt.codesvr=
from URL) its not compiling the code(changes are not taking).In console,under source->localhost:9876->dev_mode_on.js
only exist others files are not there.Any help?