I run Phaser with Meteor I get an error when loading a .png file from the directory. Could someone please provide some guidance on how to fix it.
My environment is
ubuntu 14.04
Phaser v2.3.0
My directory structure and folders are
cmt@ubuntu:~/projects/myMeteorProjects/issueReplication2$ ls -R
client index.css index.html public server
client.js phaser.js
index.html is
<title>phaser and meteor</title>
<h1>Phaser and Meteor</h1>
{{> game1}}
<template name="game1">
client.js is
phaserGame: function() {
var game = new Phaser.Game(320,320, Phaser.AUTO, 'firstGame', { preload:
preload, create: create, update:update });
return game;
function preload() {
game.load.image('car', './public/car.png');
function create() {
car = game.add.sprite(50, 50, 'car');
function update() {
function moveBullets (bullet) {
function accelerateToObject(obj1, obj2, speed) {
and finally the error in Chrome is
Phaser.Loader - image[car]: error loading asset from URL ./public/car.png