I have a TextField form inside a window. Created with UiBinding. Next to the TextField is a button. I wanted to know if it was possible to create a new TextField widget when that button was pressed using UiBinder?
This is what I have:
Window class:
TextField text;
HorizontalPanel hPanel;
public void onClick(SelectEvent event){
My UiBinder file:
<gxt:Window ...(generic setup)...>
<g:HorizontalPanel ui:field="hPanel">
<form:FieldLabel text="Text">
<form:TextField ui:field="text"/>
<button:TextButton ui:field="addText"/>
When I click the button it all it does is move the button from the right side of the text field to the left. I have more textfields in the window so I played around to see what it was really doing. It's taking that field and just moving it next to the button.
Is there a way I can create a new TextField underneath the original?