I'm new to machine learning and I was following along with the Tensorflow official MNIST model (https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/official/mnist). After training the model for 3 epochs and getting accuracy results of over 98%, I decided to test the dataset with some of my own handwritten images that are very close to those found in the MNIST dataset:
{'loss': 0.03686057, 'global_step': 2400, 'accuracy': 0.98729998}
handwritten 1, predicted as 2: https://storage.googleapis.com/imageexamples/example1.png
handwritten 4, predicted as 5: https://storage.googleapis.com/imageexamples/example4.png
handwritten 7, predicted correctly as 7: https://storage.googleapis.com/imageexamples/example7.png
However, as you can see below, the predictions were mostly incorrect. Can anyone share some insight as to why this might be? If you want any other info, please let me know. Thanks!
[2 5 7]
Result for output key probabilities:
[[ 1.47042423e-01 1.40417784e-01 2.80471593e-01 1.18162427e-02
1.71029475e-02 1.15245730e-01 9.41787264e-04 1.71402004e-02
2.61987478e-01 7.83374347e-03]
[ 3.70134876e-05 3.59491096e-03 1.70885725e-03 3.44008535e-01
1.75098982e-02 6.24581575e-01 1.02930271e-05 3.97418407e-05
7.59732258e-03 9.11886105e-04]
[ 7.62941269e-03 7.74145573e-02 1.42017215e-01 4.73754480e-03
3.75231934e-06 7.16139004e-03 4.40478354e-04 7.60131121e-01
4.09408152e-04 5.51677040e-05]]
Here is the script I used to convert pngs into npy arrays for testing. The resulting array for the provided '3' and '5' image is identical to the one given in the TF repository, so I don't think it's the issue:
def main(unused_argv):
output = []
images = []
filename_generate = True
index = 0
if FLAGS.images is not None:
images = str.split(FLAGS.images)
if FLAGS.output is not "": # check for output names and make sure outputs map to images
output = str.split(FLAGS.output)
filename_generate = False
if len(output) != len(images):
raise ValueError('The number of image files and output files must be the same.')
if FLAGS.batch == "True":
combined_arr = np.array([]) # we'll be adding up arrays
for image_name in images:
input_image = Image.open(image_name).convert('L') # convert to grayscale
input_image = input_image.resize((28, 28)) # resize the image, if needed
width, height = input_image.size
data_image = array('B')
pixel = input_image.load()
for x in range(0,width):
for y in range(0,height):
data_image.append(pixel[y,x]) # use the MNIST format
np_image = np.array(data_image)
img_arr = np.reshape(np_image, (1, 28, 28))
img_arr = img_arr/float(255) # use scale of [0, 1]
if FLAGS.batch != "True":
if filename_generate:
np.save("image"+str(index), img_arr) # save each image with random filenames
np.save(output[index], img_arr) # save each image with chosen filenames
index = index+1
if combined_arr.size == 0:
combined_arr = img_arr
combined_arr = np.concatenate((combined_arr, img_arr), axis=0) # add all image arrays to one array
if FLAGS.batch == "True":
if filename_generate:
np.save("images"+str(index), combined_arr) # save batched images with random filename
np.save(output[0], combined_arr) # save batched images with chosen filename
I haven't changed anything in the official MNIST model except the number of epochs (previously 40, changed because it was taking so long to train and already seeing high accuracy after 1 epoch).
Thanks so much!