I have 3 Tables: Assuming "2019-07-19" is the (Current Date)
|ID| TransactionDate | ItemID | ItemName |Quantity|
|1 |2019-07-18 | 1 |Lemon |100 |
|2 |2019-07-19 | 2 |Sugar |100 |
|3 |2019-07-19 | 2 |Sugar |100 |
|4 |2019-07-18 | 1 |Lemon |100 |
|5 |2019-07-19 | 1 |Lemon |100 |
|6 |2019-07-18 | 2 |Sugar |100 |
|7 |2019-07-18 | 1 |Lemon |100 |
|ID| TransactionDate | ItemID | ItemName |Quantity|
|1 |2019-07-18 | 1 |Lemon |10 |
|2 |2019-07-19 | 2 |Sugar |10 |
|3 |2019-07-19 | 2 |Sugar |10 |
|4 |2019-07-18 | 1 |Lemon |10 |
|5 |2019-07-19 | 1 |Lemon |10 |
|6 |2019-07-18 | 2 |Sugar |10 |
|7 |2019-07-18 | 1 |Lemon |10 |
|ID| TransactionDate | ItemID | ItemName |Quantity|
|1 |2019-07-18 | 1 |Lemon |10 |
|2 |2019-07-19 | 2 |Sugar |10 |
|3 |2019-07-19 | 2 |Sugar |10 |
|4 |2019-07-18 | 1 |Lemon |10 |
|5 |2019-07-19 | 1 |Lemon |10 |
|6 |2019-07-18 | 2 |Sugar |10 |
|7 |2019-07-18 | 1 |Lemon |10 |
How can I get this Output?
- PrevBalance=[Sum Of All Previous Inventories] - ([Sum of all Previous Damaged] + [Sum Of All Consumed])
- DmgToday=[Sum of all Current Damaged]
- CnsmdToday=[Sum of all Current Consumed]
- DlvrdToday=[Sum of all Items in Inventory Today]
| ItemID | ItemName |PrevBalance|DlvrdToday|DmgToday|CnsmdToday|CurrentBal
|1 |Lemon | 240 |100 |10 |10 |320 |
|2 |Sugar | 80 |200 |20 |20 |240 |
Working Code:
select Inventory.ItemID, Inventory.ItemName,
sum(case when Inventory.TransactionDate < CURDATE() then Inventory.Quantity
else 0 end)-sum(case when ConsumedItems.TransactionDate <CURDATE() then
ConsumedItems.Quantity else 0 end)-sum(case when
DamagedItems.TransactionDate<CURDATE() then DamagedItems.Quantity else 0 end) as 'PrevBalance',
sum(case when Inventory.TransactionDate=CURDATE() then Inventory.Quantity else 0 end) as 'DeliveredToday',
sum(case when DamagedItems.TransactionDate=CURDATE() then DamagedItems.Quantity else 0 end) as 'DamagedToday',
sum(case when ConsumedItems.TransactionDate=CURDATE() then ConsumedItems.Quantity else 0 end) as 'ConsumedToday',
sum(case when Inventory.TransactionDate < CURDATE() then Inventory.Quantity else 0 end)-
sum(case when ConsumedItems.TransactionDate <CURDATE() then ConsumedItems.Quantity else 0 end)-
sum(case when DamagedItems.TransactionDate<CURDATE() then DamagedItems.Quantity else 0 end)-
sum(case when ConsumedItems.TransactionDate=CURDATE() then ConsumedItems.Quantity else 0 end)-
sum(case when DamagedItems.TransactionDate=CURDATE() then DamagedItems.Quantity else 0 end)+
sum(case when Inventory.TransactionDate=CURDATE() then Inventory.Quantity else 0 end) as 'Total Balance'
from Inventory
join ConsumedItems on ConsumedItems.ID = Inventory.ID
join DamagedItems on DamagedItems.ID = Inventory.ID
group by Inventory.ItemID, Inventory.ItemName`