Set custom cookies using Google Apps Script

2019-08-31 04:55发布


is it possible to set a custom cookie through a Google Apps script gadget embedded in a Google site. I've been trying using the HtmlService class (through document.coookie in a script from the html file) but it doesn't seem to generate the cookie. I'm assuming this must be by design (i.e. Caja sanitisation). Is there another way?



It is not possible, by design, but you shouldn't need to; you can store information about the current user in UserProperties.


It's acctually possible if you use the iframe option just like this:

function doGet(e) {
    return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile("index.html")
// after that you may use (On "index.html"):
// document.cookie = "cookieName=1234";

best regards.