Scaled screenshot on iPhone 5S:
is on top and CCLabelTTF
is at the bottom.
Both strings use Helvetica Neue Light 17pt
As you can see there is some kind of a stroke in the first string, but all symbols in font image are white on transparent background. Is it possible to get rid of this effect and make CCLabelBMFont
look just as good as CCLabelTTF
I used bmGlyph
and other free analogs for Bitmap font creation, results were always the same.
First, don't change the node's scale property or it will be blurry.
You need to make a HD version of the font, where the font's png filename has the -hd suffix and the font size is double that for non-Retina devices. For example:
Non-Retina font with 32pt size (if you support non-retina devices):
Then create a font with 64pt size and save it as:
What a relief!
Turned out it's because of Blend src
I changed this property on my label from default in SpriteBuilder 'One' to 'Dst Alpha' and now it's impossible to see any difference between CCLabelTTF
and CCLabelBMFont