I'm using Python 3.3 with Pygame and PygButton (low rep don't allow me more than two links) My files at the moment are [int.py http://pastebin.com/sDRhieCG ] and [scene.py http://pastebin.com/Y2Mgsgmr ].
The idea is making a mainloop in int.py the smaller as possible. The code has a commented-out example of the start_screen buttons at the mainloop. It works, but with every new screen the mainloop would be bloated.
So I created a Scene class to apply background, texts and buttons. It works, but I can make the buttons work. E.g. the bquit button doesn't quit the screen (as it did previously when inserted into the mainloop).
I'm trying to create a scene_loop() inside the Scene() to run everything the specific scene has to offer. With a button click it would change scene and such, start a new scene_loop.
I can't seem to add specific methods after the Scene class is instanced, so I created a Scene_Start class to deal with specific methods like the scene_loop and its buttons (since the background is easily placed through the Scene class).
I'm just stuck and can't see a way to resolve this without scrapping everything and starting again.
tl;dr: 1. PygButton isn't working outside mainloop 2. How can I create a scene_loop that replaces the mainloop for that scene, "unbloating" mainloop (it would only take care of starting the app and changing scenes).
Thank You.