I need a way to detect device screen size and density with adb. If there is no solution, where can I get the complete list of all existing android device with their screen size and density ?
You can also access the WindowManager through ADB:
$ adb shell wm
usage: wm [subcommand] [options]
wm size [reset|WxH]
wm density [reset|DENSITY]
wm overscan [reset|LEFT,TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM]
The following command will give you the density:
$ adb shell wm density
Physical density: 320
You can also override the density by adding the new density:
$ adb shell wm density 160
LCD density is in the build.prop:
adb shell getprop ro.sf.lcd_density
And the resolution is availble in the dumpsys of the input activity:
# windows
adb shell dumpsys window | find "DisplayWidth"
# linux
adb shell dumpsys window | grep DisplayWidth
It works on all the devices I've tested with (2.2, 2.3.3, 2.3.4, 4.0.3; Acer Liquid E, HTC Wildfire S, HTC Incredible S, Motorola Atrix 4G, Samsung Galaxy Note, Samsung Galaxy Nexus), as well as the emulator, although the emulator's outputs are too clean to serve as a good example for parsing.
dumpsys window displays
shows something like this:
Display: mDisplayId=0
init=1080x1920 480dpi cur=1080x1920 app=1080x1920 rng=1080x1005-1920x1845
another way:
dumpsys display
also shows some interesting stuff like:
mDefaultViewport=DisplayViewport{valid=true, displayId=0, orientation=0, logicalFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920), physicalFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920), deviceWidth=1080, deviceHeight=1920}
and last but not least:
dumpsys power
will display something like
Electron Beam State:
that you could easily use to grep for mDisplayWidth and mDisplayHeight
To get required info from ADB, the following command executed from the command line will return a lot of useful properties about the connected devices
> adb shell getprop
To filter through these properties
on Unix use grep like
> adb shell getprop | grep density
on Windows use find like
> adb shell getprop | findstr "density"
Returned value looks like
[ro.sf.lcd_density]: [240]
for screen size put display instead of density
You can get screen dimensions with this code:
public int getScreenHeight() {
return getDisplay().getHeight();
private Display getDisplay() {
return ((WindowManager) getContext().getSystemService(
public int getScreenWidth() {
return getDisplay().getWidth();
Once you have the Display in the code above you can use DisplayMetrics to get the density. DisplayMetrics will also give you absolute display with and height.
Look at the output of adb shell dumpsys. The screen size shows up there several times, along with lots of other information.
... although now I'm in the office, while it works on my phone, it's absent from the Galaxy tablet. Darn.
Work is Good:
dumpsys window | grep Display
return: Display: init=320x480 cur=320x480 app=320x480 rng=320x295-480x455
If you need to get the current status of range of Android device available in the market with it Screen Sizes and Densities Click here
This data is based on the number of Android devices that have accessed Android Market within a 7-day period ending on the data collection date