I wrote the trigger for updating the column value in the same table. For Ex I wrote a trigger on metermaster table after update of assettype column , with in the trigger i am trying to update the instantaneousinterval column in the same metermaster table. Its throws the error like this
ERROR: ORA-04091: table PSEB.METERMASTER is mutating, trigger/function
may not see it.
my trigger code is as follows:
update of assettype
ON pseb.metermaster
referencing new as new old as old
for each row
vassettype number;
resval number(10);
vassettypename varchar2(50);
vmeterid number;
select :new.assettype,:new.meterid INTO vassettype,vmeterid from dual;
select assettypename into vassettypename from pseb.METERASSETINSTTYPE where ASSETTYPEID=vassettype;
select case when assettypename like 'DT' then 86400 when assettypename like 'HT' then 3600 when assettypename like 'FSB' then 86400 end into resval from pseb.meterassetinsttype where assettypename =vassettypename;
update pseb.metermaster set instantaneousinterval=resval where meterid=vmeterid;
I tried to use the
pragma autonomous_transaction;
but it gives the deadlock condition.
ERROR: ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource
pls help me to fix this issue.
instead of this update statement
update pseb.metermaster set instantaneousinterval=resval where meterid=vmeterid;
A mutating table occurs when a statement causes a trigger to fire and that trigger references the table that caused the trigger. The best way to avoid such problems is to not use triggers, but I suspect the DBA didn’t take the time to do that. He could have done one of the following:
Changed the trigger to an after trigger.
Changed it from a row level trigger to a statement level trigger.
Convert to a Compound Trigger.
Modified the structure of the triggers to use a combination of row and statement level triggers.
Made the trigger autonomous with a commit in it.
Try this pragma autonomous_transaction; with Commit
Since the trigger is updating the same table on which it is defined, why don't you update the two columns in the first update statement itself?
i.e, Instead of using an update like
UPDATE pseb.metermaster
SET assettype = '<v_assettype>';
and relying on trigger to update the instantaneousinterval column, why don't you use an update statement like the following (code is not tested)
UPDATE pseb.metermaster
SET assettype = '<v_assettype>',
instantaneousinterval = (SELECT CASE
WHEN assettypename LIKE 'DT' THEN 86400
WHEN assettypename LIKE 'HT' THEN 3600
WHEN assettypename LIKE 'FSB' THEN 86400
FROM pseb.meterassetinsttype
WHERE assettypeid = '<v_assettype>');
In my opinion, using a trigger and autonomous_transaction in this case would be a wrong approach. To know why this is wrong, please search http://asktom.oracle.com/ for this error.