I have a picker (UIPickerView) that I think should be a singleton that will be displayed in more than one view. I am using a tabbed UI and 2 of the views use the same picker. How I can create one instance of the picker so that I can call reloadAllComponents on it when the data changes, and have both views show the same selection? EDIT: only one view is visible/active at a time.
In addition to the picker, there will be other controls in that common header. I have created a view from an xib that has the picker and also a button. I can place that on the 2 views in the storyboard.
// This is the view that is placed on each of the viewcontrollers
class RaceSelView: UIView {
@IBOutlet var view: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var racePicker: RacePicker!
// racePicker is UIPickerView with delegates to supply the data
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
// I assume the racePicker is instantiated in UINib, but how do I override it so that I can return the singleton racePicker?
UINib(nibName: "RaceSelView", bundle: nil).instantiate(withOwner: self, options: nil)
addSubview(view) // I really don't understand this. Aren't I setting this view to be a subview of itself?
racePicker.setDelegates() // RacePicker supplies its own delegates and gets data from globals
globals.racePicker = racePicker // globals needs a reference so that it can call racePicker.reloadAllComponents() when the data changes, but right now there are 2 instances and therefore only one gets notified
racePicker.setCurRace() // this sets the picker to the current value, but this is rather useless because each instance only hits this code once, not every time the view becomes active. If the picker is changed in one view, the other view shows the wrong value
view.bounds = self.bounds
@IBAction func onReload(_ sender: Any) {
It draws and there are no exception, but there are 2 instances of that picker and therefore they are not coordinated. When one changes, the other should change. My instinct is to make it a singleton, but I don't now how to override its creation to return the singleton.
EDIT: I managed to do this by creating a UIPickerView singleton, then in the view controller for each of the 2 tabbed views:
override func viewDidLoad() {
This seemed to work just fine. My understanding is that the view cannot be in 2x places at once, so addSubView removes it from the other before assigning it to the new. The problem is that I wanted a more complex header view that is shared between the 2 and wanted to use the GUI to define it. I will see if I can add the picker at runtime to the subview of the header....