I'm trying to install subclipse on my desktop so i can use subversion.
When I was at school with my laptop, the installation worked well and i was able to update and commit on the subversion, but, while i was at home, i tried to update and nothing worked. Then I tried on my desktop to install the subclipse plugin without success.
When I go to "Help>install new software>Work With Kepler - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/kepler"
Nothing appears on the software view except "pending..."
The thing I don't understand is that i'm not using a proxy at home, so i don't understand why it's freezing at this step.
Then, I tried to change my eclipse version but it didn't worked I also tried to change my network settings without success
Anyone had the same problem before or know how to fix it ?
EDIT 1 : While waiting for the pending thing to resolv i had an error : "Unable to read repository at http: //download.eclipse.org/releases/kepler/content.xml. Unable to read repository at http: //download.eclipse.org/releases/kepler/content.xml. Connection has been shut down"