I have tried this solution but seems like it is doing nothing for me. I have Polymer 1.0.
Only change I made from the solution is to put the observers
inside data
property and made is "not protected". I got this idea from here.
Initially I used the exact approach as in Ricky's solution but that didn't work for me either.
Here is how my custom element looks like:
<dom-module id="radio-group-binder">
<paper-radio-group class="layout vertical" selected-item="[[selectedItem]]">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[data]]">
<paper-radio-button name="{{item.model}}" model$="[[item.model]]" price$="[[item.price]]"><span>[[item.model]]</span> <div class="paper-font-caption"><span>[[item.price]]</span> SEK</div></paper-radio-button>
(function () {
'use strict';
is: 'radio-group-binder',
properties: {
data: {
type: Array,
notify: true,
observers: ['selectedItemChanged(selectedItem)']
price: {
type: String,
notify: true
model: {
type: String,
notify: true
selectedItemChanged: function (el) {
this.price = el.getAttribute('price');
this.model = el.getAttribute('model');
If I have understood right, then variables like [[model]]
and [[price]]
under each paper-item
should get replaced by selected values.
I tried an alert inside the selectedItemChanged
function to check whether it is at least being called but I got none.
Again, in this post I noticed that Polymer version 1.0.2
is mentioned and this a fix has been introduced here. Is this the issue I am facing? If so, how can I upgrade to this version? If this not the case then please let me know what wrong I am doing.