I must be missing something basic but I keep getting validation errors:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :cell
before_validation :format_cell_string
validates :cell, :length => { :is => 10 }
def format_cell_string
self.cell = self.cell.gsub!(/\D/, '') if self.cell != nil
In rails c
> bib = Person.new(cell: "1234567890")
> bib.save
leads to a ROLLBACK
=> #<ActiveModel::Errors:0x007fcb3cf978d8 @base=#<Person id: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, cell: nil>, @messages={:cell=>["is the wrong length (should be 10 characters)"]}>
Thinking that is could be a rails console or irb error, I also tried in my form to no avail. Trying bib = Person.new
, bib.save and then bib.update_attributes(cell: "0123456789") also doesn't work in the console. Am I missing something! I've check the rails docs on validations and the rails api on model validations and tried many different things. Any thoughts? I was using rails 3.2.6 and just upgraded to rails 3.2.7. No change.