I've created an edmx for my database. In it Entity framework removed a table and instead created an association between two tables because it matches a column name with the primary key in the other table.
I do not want that as there is no real association between those tables. How can I remove that association and get a class for the middle table instead?
- SomeTableId int fk
- SomeCode int
It's the MiddleTable
which do not get a class.
- Remove one table from the edmx, e.g.
- Update model from database and add
- Update model from database and add
When I do this with a similar model I end up with an association between SomeTable
and MiddleTable
and an unassociated OtherTable
. Now you can add/remove associations manually as you wish.
It's normal EF behavior not to create a class for the middle table. This is a so-called many to many association between SomeTable
and OtherTable
which can be modelled by two collection properties:
The middle table, the junction table, is not really necessary.
It's a bit surprising to me that you say that there is no association between the two tables although, apparently, in the database there are foreign keys. Technically, it is a many to many association.