Following is my jsp code.
<c:forEach items="${nameList}" var="studentList">
<td style="padding-bottom: .5em;">
<a id="student" href="number?regNo=<c:out value="${studentList.regNo}"/>">
<span class="eachStudent">
<span class="studentName"><c:out value="${}"/></span><br/>
<span class="collName"><c:out value="${studentList.collName}"/></span><br/>
<span class="deptName"><c:out value="${studentList.deptName}"/></span><br/>
The above c:forEach
Name CollName DeptName
ABCD coll1 dept1
kfkdb coll1 dept2
jbdd coll2 dept3
Following is the code that lists the collName
and deptName
Filter students by College (not required):
<select id="byCollege" name="byCollege" >
<c:forEach items="${uniqueCollList}" var="uniqueCollList">
<option value="${uniqueCollList}"/>
${uniqueCollList}</option >
</c:forEach >
</select >
Filter students by Department Name (not required):
<select id="byDept" name="byDept" >
<c:forEach items="${uniqueDeptList}" var="uniqueDeptList">
<option value="${uniqueDeptList}"/>
${uniqueDeptList}</option >
</c:forEach >
</select >
Now when I select a value from first dropdown, I want to filter the results given by foreach
using the value selected in dropdown. I would like to do this in front end itself, rather going to the back end. May I know how can I do this?
After filtering the c:foreach
result using value of first dropdown, if I select a value in second dropdown, I want the updated result of c:foreach
to be filtered using the value selected in second drop down.
How can I do this?
If I want to do this in back end, what should I do?
PS:Following is the controller code that sends the list first time
@RequestMapping(value = "/name", method = RequestMethod.POST, params = { "studentName" })
public String searchStudentByCollOrDept(@RequestParam(value = "studentName", required = true)String studentName, ModelMap model){
List<OneStudentResult> nameList = resultService.getStudentList(studentName);
//TODO, null value check.
if(nameList.size() == 0 || nameList == null){
return "header";
if(nameList.size() != 0){
// Iterate the list that we get and add only one time a collName and deptname.So a Treeset.
Set<String> uniqueCollList = new TreeSet<String>();
Iterator<OneStudentResult> itr = nameList.iterator();
String collName =;
uniqueCollList.add(" Select a College ");
model.addAttribute("uniqueCollList", uniqueCollList);
Set<String> uniqueDeptList = new TreeSet<String>();
Iterator<OneStudentResult> itrDeptList = nameList.iterator();
String deptName =;
uniqueDeptList.add(" Select a Department ");
model.addAttribute("uniqueDeptList", uniqueDeptList);
model.addAttribute("nameList", nameList);
return "nameResult";