I'm developing a Windows 8/8.1 JavaScript app. It basicallly is a port of our webapp. For deployment, I'm using grunt, grunt-contrib-uglify and grunt-contrib-cssmin (next to some more, but those are not connected to my problem.
UglifyJS is used to package all my JS files and libs in a minified bundle for each. For the CSS it's the same using CSSmin.
As the Windows app certification forces a UTF-8 encoding with signature (BOM), all my source files are encoded that way. I also did set the grunt default encoding to UTF-8 with preserveBOM to true. Though, my minified files ar encoded in us_ascii, some even in binary stream.
That behavior is the same for Windows 8.1 32bit and Mac OS Mavericks.
What can I do?
Re-saving this packed version with UTF-8 BOM encoding leads to a passed certification check, but the app is not running (white screen, looks like the minified JS is not working anymore, but it does flawlessly before re-saving).
This is what I'm doing with the JS files after concat/minify:
var buf = grunt.file.read(fileName, { encoding: null });
var missingBOM = (buf[0] !== 0xEF && buf[1] !== 0xBE && buf[2] !== 0xBB);
if (missingBOM) {
grunt.file.write(fileName, '\ufeff' + buf, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
Update: I discovered that there are multiple BOMs in my merged files so I refined my script to strip those out before writing the new one:
var buf = grunt.file.read(dist + fileName, { encoding: null });
var BOM = new Buffer([0xEF,0xBB,0xBF]);
// remove multi BOMs from Buffer
var bufString = buf.toString('utf-8');
bufString = bufString.replace(BOM.toString('utf-8'), null);
buf = new Buffer(bufString, 'utf-8');
// add new UTF-8 BOM to the beginning of the file buffer
var bomFile = Buffer.concat([BOM,buf]);
grunt.file.write(dist + fileName, bomFile, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
Still, no luck -.-