I have an issue about CSS url in codeigniter:
In file controllers I have the file admin/home.php
in home.php :
class Home have function index() and function login().
function login() { redirect('admin/home');}
file config:
$routes['admin'] = 'admin/home/login';
$routes['admin/home'] = 'admin/home/index';
and error:
Request URL:http://congnghehatnhan.tk/admin/public/css/bootstrap.min.css
Request Method:GET
Status Code:404 Not Found
You most likely have the following syntax when describing your site assets:
<link href="public/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
Your problem occurs when you are on the following URL:
A side-effect of using the stylesheet declaration directly as you have, results in the fact that the stylesheet is currently linking to:
You however want it to link to:
Notice the missing admin segment from the URL.
When referencing assets via CodeIgniter, you want to use the base_url() method in order to generate the correct link. Thus, without knowing more about your codebase, I believe that changing the original stylesheet declaration to the following should fix your issue:
<link href="<?php echo base_url('public/css/bootstrap.min.css');?>" rel="stylesheet">
Please note that the approach above applies to all instances of referencing assets.