I would like to know what access token I require to achieve the following.
My Meteor app crawls various RSS feeds and makes a daily digest. I would like to automatically tweet about the daily digest when it is created, using the app's Twitter account.
As I see, in the doc, it seems that I need to use application owner access token and create my app using the app's Twitter account. Is this a correct approach?
Yes, that's correct. It's quite simple too.
- Go to Twitter Apps and login with your regular twitter account
assuming you have one, if not you need to create one.
- Once signed in click on Create New App button.
- Fill out the application (Name, description, and whatever else it requires).
- Create your key and access tokens. Share those with users that you trust as they'll be used to access the twitter API to read/write information.
- Give the application you created a "Read and Write" permission based on what you asked in the question.
Then depending on the software/language you use there's a plenty of existing packages that can help you access and obtain the information from the API.