I use the Meteor package tomi:upload-jquery that uses callbacks outside a fiber. Inside one callback I should use MongoDB, and MongoDB requires to be run inside a fiber.
After a lot of attempts with future, fibers, deasync, Meteor.bindEnvironment, Meteor.wrapAsync, a.s.o. I have found no solution.
The callback to be wrappen is:
Meteor.startup ->
getDirectory: (fileInfo, formData) ->
# begin some sort of wrapping
dir = ''
u = Meteor.users.findOne({"uploadToken.token": formData.uploadToken })
if u
dir = u.username
throw new Error 'Anonymous calls not permitted'
# end some sort of wrapping
console.log 'dir', dir
return dir
This code is working without crashing, but it should become synchronous:
Meteor.startup ->
getDirectory: (fileInfo, formData) ->
getDir = (formData,callback) ->
console.log '0:',formData
dir = ''
u = Meteor.users.findOne({"uploadToken.token": formData.uploadToken })
if u
dir = u.username
callback new Error( 'Anonymous file upload not permitted.' ), null
console.log '1:',dir
callback null,dir
dir = getDir(formData, (e,r)->
console.log 'e,r:',e,r
console.log '2:',dir
return ''
In the log I get:
I20150905-08:33:13.171(2)? 0: { uploadToken: 'K2eEiFMRMagSuoKqf' }
I20150905-08:33:13.173(2)? 2: undefined
I20150905-08:33:13.174(2)? 0: { uploadToken: 'K2eEiFMRMagSuoKqf' }
I20150905-08:33:13.175(2)? 2: undefined
I20150905-08:33:13.177(2)? 1: test
I20150905-08:33:13.177(2)? e,r: null test
I20150905-08:33:13.177(2)? 1: test
I20150905-08:33:13.178(2)? e,r: null test
getDirectory is called twice.
What is missing now is how to make to code synchronous. That is to let return dir
wait for getDir
Any advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.