Im using EmberJS and im trying to get data from the backend using websocket ( so i've set this Application Route
App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend(
setupController: (controller, data) ->
store = @get 'store'
socket = io.connect "http://localhost:4000/orders" ## Line 4
socket.on "new_order", (order) ->
store.load(App.Order, order)
socket.on "new_billing", (bill) ->
store.load(App.Bill, bill)
socket.on "connected", ->
console.log "Ready"
model: ->
return { title: "Ordenes" }
markAsDone: (type, type_id) ->
# Send value to backend
socket.emit "confirm_" + type, ## Line 16
id: type_id
# Find record by id
if type == "order"
record = App.Order.find(type_id)
transition = "orders"
else if type == "bill"
record = App.Bill.find(type_id)
transition = "bills"
# Delete from store
record.then( (r) ->
# Display list of record type
on line 4 the connection is being set and object are being fetched when i hit "/", but after i enter a route "/orders" object are not being fetched anymore, and on line 16 in the code above, i cant use the socket variable
Uncaught ReferenceError: socket is not defined
Is there a better way to manage this ?