I don't know how to avoid SQL injection, could someone help me with my problem?
Here is my current code:
Private Function INSERT() As String
Dim SQLcon As New SqlConnection
Dim SQLdr As SqlDataReader
SQLcon.ConnectionString = "Data Source=#####;Initial Catalog=OJT;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=####;Password=#####"
Dim SQLcmd As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO dbo.Patients(pIDNo,pLName,pFName,pMI,pSex,pStatus,pTelNo,pDocID,pAddr,pStreet,pBarangay,pCity,pProvince,pLNameKIN,pFNameKIN,pMIKIN,pRelationKIN) VALUES('" & LabelPNumber.Text & "','" & txtLname.Text & "','" & txtFname.Text & "','" & txtMI.Text & "','" & txtPatientSex.Text & "','" & txtPatientSex.Text & "','" & txtPatientTelNo.Text & "','" & txtPatientDoctor.Text & "','" & txtStreetNumber.Text & "','" & txtStreetName.Text & "','" & txtBarangay.Text & "','" & txtCity.Text & "','" & txtProvince.Text & "','" & txtKinLname.Text & "','" & txtKinFname.Text & "','" & txtKinMI.Text & "','" & txtRelationToPatient.Text & "') ", SQLcon)
MsgBox("Patient Added!", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
SQLdr = SQLcmd.ExecuteReader()
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Error Occured, Can't Add Patient!" & ex.Message)
End Try
Return "done"
End Function