Hello there I will try and keep this simple and short
I have a getJSON function that runs every 5 seconds. Now when I display the data using document.write function it dosent seem to want to update. The page is stuck in a loading loop. How can I get the data to display on my page? My JSON is fine but I will show you anyways.
<script type="text/javascript">
$.ajaxSetup ({
cache: false
setInterval(function(){ $.getJSON('names.json', function(data) {
for(i in data) {
document.write(data[i] + "<br/>");
This is the JSON object
"one": "",
"two": "Beady little eyes",
"three": "Little birds pitch by my doorstep"
Don't actually use document.write
. Once the page is loaded, that will erase the page. Use (jQuery's) DOM methods to manipulate the DOM.
$.getJSON('names.json', function(data){
for(var i in data){
I would recommend you use jQuery,
I used this to create a form from my json item, I hope this helps...
function jsonFormCreator(frmJSON)
var createdHTML = ""; var elementType, id;
for(item in frmJSON)
formElement = frmJSON[item]; elementType = formElement.elementType; id = formElement.id;
if(elementType == "input")
createdHTML += "<input id='" + id +"'";
if(formElement.type == "checkbox")
{createdHTML += " type='" + formElement.type + "' checked='" + formElement.checked + "'";}
else{createdHTML += "type='" + formElement.type + "' value='" + formElement.value + "' onclick='" + formElement.onclick + "'";}
createdHTML += "/><br>"
else if(elementType == "textarea")
{createdHTML += "<textarea id='" + formElement.id + "' rows='" + formElement.rows + "' cols='" + formElement.cols + "' value='" + formElement.value + "'></textarea><br>";}
else if(elementType == "select")
var options = formElement.values;
createdHTML += "<select id='" + formElement.id+ "'>";
for(i = 0 ; i < options.length ; i++)
{createdHTML += "<option value='" + options[i][0] + "'>" + options[i][1] + "</option>";} //Adding each option
createdHTML+= "</select><br>";
document.getElementById('mainContainer').innerHTML = createdHTML;//Adding to the DOM
And my JSON would look like this
"0": {
"elementType": "input",
"id": "frm1",
"type": "text",
"value": "form Liam",
"label": "Test Text Input"
"itemBTN": {
"elementType": "input",
"id": "frmAlert",
"type": "button",
"onclick" : "loader(homePage);",
"value": "Home Page",
"label": ""
"item2": {
"elementType": "textarea",
"id": "frm2",
"rows": 5,
"cols": 30,
"value": "helddddddddlo",
"label": "Test Textarea"
"item3": {
"elementType": "select",
"id": "frm3",
"values": [
"Pick Me"
"label": "Test Select"
"item4": {
"elementType": "input",
"id": "frm4",
"label": "Checkbox",
"type": "checkbox",
"checked": true
This code adds the form in to my div tag with the id mainContainer
I know its alot of code, but i hope it helps !
You want to render dom which will contain the data, then when you get the data update the dom.
As an exceedingly simple example, on your page have a container
<div id="one"></div>
and then in your ajax success handler
This uses jquery to grab the dom element with id "one", and update its text.