So, I'm using Room database to store courses and I'm stuck on the method that returns the course with the name(course) that I want because it's always returning null. I have diminished my database to have 2 courses with the course variable as:
As you can see in the picture above, when I try to get the CourseEnt in the Repository with course = fun
, which I can see below that it exists, it returns a LiveData with a null value instead of the CourseEnt that I wanted.
Any idea on what I'm doing wrong or on what should I look into with debugger?
Here's the code:
@Entity(tableName = "courses_table")
data class CoursesEnt (@PrimaryKey val course: String,
val location: String,
val description: String,
val difficulty: Double,
val distance: Double,
val photos: ListInt,
val category: String,
val activities: ListString)//ListString is a type converter that converts a String into a List<String> and vice-versa
interface CoursesDao {
@Query("SELECT * from courses_table ORDER BY course ASC")
fun getAllCourses(): LiveData<List<CoursesEnt>>
@Query("SELECT * FROM courses_table WHERE course LIKE :str")
fun getCourse(str: String):LiveData<CoursesEnt>
class CoursesRepository(private val coursesDao: CoursesDao){
val allCourses: LiveData<List<CoursesEnt>> = coursesDao.getAllCourses()
var singleCourse: LiveData<CoursesEnt> = coursesDao.getCourse("")
fun getCourse(str: String) {
singleCourse = coursesDao.getCourse(str)